Friday, September 5, 2008

Pearl Fun Facts

June birthstone since 1912

Classic 1st, 3rd, 12th, & 30th anniversary present.

pearls are organic! ;)

(what about pearl cuff-links for a man? ~ I think they would look fantastic!)

Folklore, Legend, and Healing Properties:

Cultured or freshwater pearls are considered to offer the power of love, money, protection, and luck. Pearls are thought to give wisdom through experience, to quicken the laws of karma and to cement engagements and love relationships. They are thought to keep children safe.

Early Chinese myths told of pearls falling from the sky when dragons fought. Ancient legend says that pearls were thought to be the tears of the gods and the Greeks believed that wearing pearls would promote marital bliss and prevent newlywed women from crying.

Cultured pearls are relatively soft compared to other gemstones and precious metals. So it is important to take special care of your pearls to ensure they will remain bright and beautiful for generations to come.

Cosmetics, perfume and hair spray all contain chemicals that can dull the luster of a pearl over extended periods of time. Even acids contained in body oils and perspiration can work to damage luster in the same way.

Therefore, it is best to put your pearls on after applying makeup, perfume and hair spray. It is also suggested that you wipe down your pearls with the custom micro-fiber cloth provided after each use. Occasionally you may want to dampen the cloth and give your pearls a very thorough wipe down.

Pearl Care:

Cultured pearls are relatively soft compared to other gemstones and precious metals. So it is important to take special care of your pearls to ensure they will remain bright and beautiful for generations to come.

Cosmetics, perfume and hair spray all contain chemicals that can dull the luster of a pearl over extended periods of time. Even acids contained in body oils and perspiration can work to damage luster in the same way.

Therefore, it is best to put your pearls on after applying makeup, perfume and hair spray. It is also suggested that you wipe down your pearls with the custom micro-fiber cloth provided after each use. Occasionally you may want to dampen the cloth and give your pearls a very thorough wipe down.

Always keep your pearls separated from hard jewelry items, such as metals and other gemstones, to prevent them from scratching your pearls. Pearls are best kept in a soft cloth pouch or a separately lined jewelry box.

If you wear your pearls several times a week, it is best to take them back to your jeweler for re-stringing about once every other year to prevent strand breakage. When having your pearls re-strung, Pearls of Joy advises and uses only silk thread. However, nylon thread is an acceptable alternative. Make sure that the string is knotted between each pearl. Individual knotting will prevent all the pearls in a strand from falling off should a break occur. Knotting also prevents the pearls from rubbing against each other.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pearls ~ Classically Stylish

Pearls are HOT HOT HOT right now ...

For one thing, Sarah Jessica Parker, aka ~ trend-setter for the 2000's ~, has been wearing them non-stop.

Pearl fun facts to come!!!

14k white gold ~ Important information!

Did you know, that wearing your 14k WHITE gold in chlorine is a NO-NO?

We find that most people don't know that.

Gold is yellow by nature. So, for gold to be made white, it is alloyed with nickle. Nickle is a metal that reacts with chlorine. Chlorine compromises the metal and makes it extremely brittle.

Now, keep in mind, even if your bridal set, or any jewelry piece, is 14k YELLOW gold, it probably had a 14k WHITE gold, head (the prongs that hold in the stone).

We've seen cases, where the head just disintegrated after long exposure in a hot tub.

So, be cautious! Check back frequently for more care information pertaining to all things jewelry.


Welcome to our new blog. We are using this blog as an open forum for, style, design, information, and inspiration. Everything from the most current in jewelry design, to those ever present questions about gem care, or, remount suggestions. Please bookmark our blog and check back often for updates.


Neustaedter's Fine Jewelry
Saint Louis, Missouri